Championship partners
Al Qabila World Tour
Following the incredible success of Soheil Var’s “356 days to pro challenge” we’re taking things to the next level by documenting the journey of building a pro football team in 365 days.
The World Tour showcases talent from around the globe with the goal of uncovering new stars.

Why Al Qabila FC
Al Qabila FC players are built to win. Beyond building the most influential football club, we build our players to succeed in life - both on, and off the field.

Become a championship player
Learn from Al Qabila FC's legendary head coach Steven Taylor and play the with the world's best up and coming stars.

Build your social media empire
Learn how how to build a social media empire to ensure you succeed on and off the field.

Learn how to succeed in life
Learn what it takes to be the best in both sport and business. We teach you everything you need to be a true star.