The Al Qabila FC

World Tour

Over 250 million views in the first 150 days & TikTok Sport Creator of the year Award!

Following the incredible success of Soheil Var’s “356 days to pro challenge” we’re taking things to the next level by documenting the journey of building a pro football team in 365 days.

The World Tour showcases talent from around the globe with the goal of uncovering new stars.Top players from each country are invited to Al Qabila’s pro trials in August 2024.

For Players

You can purchase an Al Qabila FC application here.

Just select the country you want to try out in. All applications are reviewed by Al Qabila FC. After the reviewal process you'll receive an email letting you know the decision.

If you qualified you'll receive all the information related to the event.

If you didn't qualify you'll be refunded the application fee.

Please reference this page for details related to the Al Qabila FC World Tour try outs.

Yes, but keep in mind all applications are reviewed by the team and spots are limited.

For Sponsors

The Al Qabila FC World Tour has a number of sponsorship opportunities available.

Please reach out to for more information.